Heel Pain – Causes and Remedy

The most common complain that  these days is heel pain.
People with heel pain complain of following symptoms:
-pain in the inner side of heel or centre of heel
-severe pain while getting out of bed in the morning, first few steps being the most difficult.
-dull aching pain throughout the day.
We call it as Plantar fasciitis.
This is caused due to :
-jobs which require long standing on hard surface
-over weight
-improper footwear
Here are following tips that you can consider to reduce your heel pain:
Icing- Put a small bottle of water in the freezer and turn it into ice, later roll your feet over the bottle, concentrating on the heel twice/thrice a day. Ice is the best therapy
Get the right footwear! Most imp! AVOID BALLERINA FLATS. yes. Avoid plain flat footwear or heels. Go for medium platform heel. Wear footwear that supports the arches of ur feet.
Stretching: I am attaching the pictures to help u stretch. Hold each stretch for 10 counts. 5-7 times each. Do them twice a day.
Get in touch with a physiotherapist if the pain persists. The faster the better
Palanivel Kumar – Coach – Run T.Nagar Run Chapter.

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