Set Your Fitness Goals with these 5 must-do Exercises

As an aspirant of a perfect body, you would be looking to options that can help you to get one. There are many ways through which you can get a perfectly fit body. But if you have a limitations on the amount of time you can spend on work-outs and also the availability of proper place for work-outs, then you can choose to try the options of work-outs given below at your home with ease.

For a perfect fitness, your exercise regime must include full-body exercises that target on multiple muscles of different areas of the body. The more you focus on full-body strength exercises, the more you build muscles, which in turn, burn fat.

Here is the list of full-body exercises for all the fitness enthusiasts looking for a simple yet effective workout. And of course, you don’t need fancy pieces of equipment for these. Just find a suitable open space in your home and begin!

1. Burpees
This had to top the list. Burpees, apart from being a fat blaster, target muscles of your thighs, upper-body, and core as it brings in squats, plank, and a push-up.
You need to start with standing straight; squat and place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet back, out in a plank position. Do a push-up, jump your feet back in, and spring up with a leap. Begin with 5 reps of 3 sets and extend the reps as you like.

2. Mountain climbing
Mountain climbers are the best to increase your heart rate, fire-up your metabolism and to work almost every muscle in your body. It strengthens the core while working on obliques, biceps, triceps, hamstrings, and hip abductors.
To do these, start with a hand plank. Keeping your body straight and abs tucked in. Bring in any one of your knees into your chest and tighten your abs simultaneously. Push this leg back, maintaining your plank and quickly switch it with another. Repeat the knee-in-and-out movement with alternate legs for several counts. Speed up as if you are running, but are sure your core remains strong and back doesn’t arch.

3. Push-ups
Yes, push-ups are old school but equally effective. There is a reason they still exist in elementary and military training schools. It focuses on your entire upper body and works primarily on the chest, triceps, shoulders, back, and core. Push-ups have different variations and despite them being basic, they are always hard. Put in extra effort on different variations and achieve noticeable strength results and sculpted form.

4. Squats
In fitness training, a squat is another compound strength workout that immensely benefits the lower body. This exercise focuses on hips, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. If done with weights, it works the core and back as well. In addition, squats strengthen lower body bones, ligaments, and tendons. While squatting, make sure your hips are pushed back, knees lie right above your feet and chest stays wide and open.
For more effective results, alternate your regime with different variations like sumo squats, prisoner squats, jump squats, squat kicks and more.

5. Plank
Planks are the best exercise to build isometric strength that improves your waistline, strengthens the core and improves posture. Depending on the type and variation of a plank, you can engage other body parts like shoulders, back, hamstrings, obliques, and glutes.

The key here is the correct posture.

Your abdomen must be tucked-in tight supporting your lower back. Do not arch your back, it will worsen it. Keep your core strong and straight so that your neck lies in straight line with your spine and hips. Begin with 20 seconds of holding and extend gradually as you progress.

Include the above-mentioned exercises in your workout and do them at least 3-4 times a week. Also be thoughtful of what you eat. A sculpted body can be easily accomplished with consistently clean and mindful eating, and regular exercise, for which you do not have to hit a gym. Just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference.

Happy work-outs! Smart Fitness!!

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