Not feeling like going out for a Run… Ways to get motivated for a Run…..

As a runner you should be having the regular habit of going for a run for few kilometers everyday. But there are some days when you feel not waking up and start your run.

The enervation in your body will force to stay on bed rather than going for a run. Whenever you feel like not going out for a Run…  just hold on and follow one of these options to motivate yourself and get ready for a run.

  1. Be ready for a Run – Every night before getting into sleep prepare your mind yourself that you are going out for a Run next morning…Your brain is already adapted to wake you up early in the morning and it happens involuntarily in you even without a wake-up alarm. All that you need is just a push to get up and the rest of the things like brushing your teeth, using washrooms etc., will fall in place automatically. It is like going that extra mile for an achievement.
  2. Record your run – There are various apps that helps you to record your running and fitness schedule… These apps will also provide you with the history of your running activities done in the past. Plan a schedule of Run for the week with a target of Kilometers and the quantity of calories to be burnt etc.,. This will eventually make you to feel really disappointed even if you miss out a day of your Running schedule as you are subject to setback from your Weekly target. This system will motivate you to run devotedly without any break in the schedule.
  3. Be a part of Runners’ Group – Get registered with any of Runners’ Group near you…. Running with them will get motivated everyday… Besides that the pictures posted by them everyday will also keep you in zeal. Also when you see the pictures of the day you didn’t run you tend to really begrudged. This will help not to skip your schedule of Run…

2 Replies to “Not feeling like going out for a Run… Ways to get motivated for a Run…..”

  1. Good effort and initiative to bring out a blog for runners. Would be nice if more tips and basic info is provided for aspiring runners who are 50-plus in age.

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