Fitness Apps

With the evolution of the digital technology, there is nothing which doesn’t have an app associated with it. Be it shopping, gaming, cooking, social media, and fitness. You name it, and an app is all there on your mobile phone screen to download. Apparently, your phone needs to have ample space to store a fitness app, as it helps to achieve your Fitness goals set as one of your New Year’s resolution.

A Blessing in disguise – We all know losing that extra bulge takes tonnes of efforts and enthusiasm. Mobile phone now having become an inevitable pal, the app loaded in it never allow us to get diverted from our resolution. To validate this,  a recent study has proved that individuals who used fitness apps get better results and are much more active when compared to one who is a nonuser. Interestingly, the users of Fitness app were found to have lower Body Mass Index. So using an app is a kind win-win for everyone.

Acts as a catalyst – Celebrities like Tim Cook and Khloé Kardashian, swear to their digital ally and advises others to use them to stay in shape, healthy and happy while on the go. It acts as a catalyst to get hold of higher levels of self-efficacy which is essential to achieve your health goals. It has the entire wherewithal to enhance you desire to exercise and helps you to sweat out more.

A whole glut of motivation– The primary driving force behind exercise is motivation. Lack of this, leads to failure be it fitness or anything else. This is where apps come into the picture. They lend a hand to people who may not have been motivated by other means to perk up or boost their motivation to exercise and work out.

Usually the apps are  endowed with two types of motivation.
Extrinsic motivation: It is that added shot in the arm which comes in the form of tracking, data collection and cold, hard numbers.
Intrinsic motivation: It is that deep pleasure of faith in exercise for exercise’s sake and the contentment we got from it. But, at times, we need that little push to get into this; a fitness app provides that.

Sense of competition- Who doesn’t like to break records? With this digital competitor next to you, you get into high spirit to perform better than ever.

Hustle your muscle with this comprehensive list of top fitness and running applications which are going to be a part of your journey to be fit.

The 7 minute Workout– This one acts like our own individual trainer which offers a user a definite set of traditional exercises to obtain fitness on the whole. It comes with specific instructions and bestow us a 10 minute break in between each set to catch our breath.

Workout trainer- This gives us freedom to work on the area of our choice and to schedule accordingly. You want to do Abs today then go for it. The app even has a yoga schedule for those who want to work on their flexibility.

Yoga-pedia- It is especially dedicated to the Yoga lover across the globe. No workout is complete without a short session of Yoga and this is has lot to offer. It has more than 80 Yoga postures for various purpose like to relive stress or build up flexibility

Calorie counter MyFitnessPal- Getting fit can’t be achieved if you fail to keep a track on your calorie. MyFitnessPal does the job for you.

Endomondo-This one keeps a record of every activity be it your performance, setting goals, taking challenges even takes your workout on social media platform.

Google Fit- Google has something extraordinary for you in this section as well. Google Fit has all the capabilities to keep a track on every movement with ease.

5K- It is a running app which has helped thousands of runner to finish their 5K race till date. If your most loved workout is running, then it is mending for you only. It keeps record of distance covered.

Charity Miles- There is nothing more satisfactory than your work out helps others as well. Charity Miles lets you earn corporate sponsorship for charity while you run or walk.

MapMyRun- As its name suggests, this maps every aspect of your run like distance covered, run time calculation, tracking the run and so on.

Fit Radio- Who doesn’t love music? This app makes you workout interesting with DJ created remixes. Now enjoy Madonna while you run.

Lose It! – This calorie calculating app help to lose your weight by setting realistic goals as per your requirement.

Go, give a whole new dimension to you workout regime and add a zest with all these interesting , yet useful fitness apps.

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