Neck Strengthening Exercises

Why Head/Neck strengthening is important?
In our biological system, Neck holds the entire weight of the head (approximately 2kgs) and hence it is very important to keep the neck strong to avoid lot of neuro problems.
Any pain in the neck drops down the spine nerves and eventually gives incessant pain across the back of the body. Hence we need to do some basic exercise to keep the neck strong and avoid any malfunction.
Also when you have the habit of running regularly movement of neck is also vital to avoid any sprain or spasm.
How to Keep the neck Fit and strong:
There are Five basic isometric exercises that can keep your neck strong.
1) Place both hands on your forehead. Push your head against the resistance of your hand. Do not let your head move forward by tightening your neck muscles. Hold in this position for few seconds. Then repeat the same thrice after few seconds break in between.
2) Place both hands on the lower back of your head. Put pressure by pushing the head backward. But ensure that your head does not fall back. Let your hands resist the head falling behind. Hold in this position for few seconds. Repeat the same thrice with breaks in between.
3) Place right hand on the right side above the ear. Push your head and let your head resist the push by tightening the neck muscles. Hold in this position for few seconds and repeat the same thrice with a break in between. Repeat this procedure on your left head as well.
4) Place your right hand on the lower part of the right side of your head so that your hand is near your chin. Tighten your neck muscles and resist the pressure to mover your head to the right. Hold the position for few seconds. Repeat the same thrice with a break in between. Do the procedure to your left side as well.
5) Sitting upright, bend your head forward. Try your best to touch your chin on your chest. Hold for few seconds. Repeat this procedure for 8 to 10 times.

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